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born again

After the relocation of Newton Abbot Hospital to its new site on the edge of the town we were tasked to prepare a disposal document on behalf of Devon NHS to explore the development potential of the site. Following years of marketing we were appointed by the successful developer to obtain the necessary permissions to allow the full-scale redevelopment of this very important and prominent town centre site.  Initially we obtained a hybrid Outline, Detail and Listed Building consent for the whole site which included a Residential care home, an extra care unit, 53 dwellings, a Sainsbury Local store, a doctor’s surgery as well as other commercial spaces. We continued with the development of the site to provide the residential dwellings including three formed by the change of use the former maternity department obtaining a regional design award. We also were part of the team delivering the doctor’s surgery and three retail units including the Sainsburys Local store. A complex and challenging development which included two Listed buildings and a number of curtilage buildings dating back to the early nineteenth century.


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